
A list of all the allowed attributes in checkout.

Attributes can be added to the checkout script tag and HTML buttons to configure checkout. For example, here is a scheduled payment monthly checkout for $100.00, embedded, with an email passed in which will only accept cards as payment method.

  ps-payerEmail="[email protected]"

General Attributes

publishableKeytype: string
elements: init_script
The customer's publishableKey
containerIdtype: string
example: my_checkout_container
elements: init_script
An html element id, whose element checkout should be injected into.
envtype: enum_string
enum: sandbox|live|default
default: live
elements: init_script
The environment mode the checkout instance should operate in.
debugtype: enum_string
enum: true|false
default: false
elements: init_script
When set to 'true', extra logs will be output to the console.
modetype: enum_string
enum: modal|embed
default: modal
elements: any
Whether checkout should render as a modal popup or an embedded checkout.
widthtype: string
examples: 100px|100%
default: 400px
elements: any
The width of the checkout frame.
heighttype: string
examples: 100px|100%
default: 700px
elements: any
The height of the checkout frame.
ps-clicktype: js_string
examples: "getDetails();"
elements: buttons
Similar to the javascript onClick event. Fires once per click. Can contain arbitrary javascript statements. The final result of the statements should be a valid checkout settings hash that will be used to configure the checkout instance.
drawerTypetype: string (3 values req.)
examples: open_displaced_fixed
default: closed_overlay_toggle
elements: open/closed|displaced/overlay|fixed/toggle
This is used to change the payor pays fee drawer in your checkout.
Open/Closed: Open OR close drawer.
Displaced/Overlay: In open drawer, move content down OR have drawer on top of content.
Fixed/Toggle: User cannot open/close drawer by clicking OR User can open/close drawer by clicking.
Supported combinations:

General display attributes

enum: checkout_payment|checkout_token|
default: checkout_payment
elements: any
The type of checkout to render. The checkout type largly determines the overall type of flow the checkout will perform.
viewFundstype: ordered_comma_separated_enum_string
enum: card|ach|bank|default
default: bank,card,ach
example: bank,ach,card
elements: any
Sets the payment methods available in the checkout instance as well as the order in which they will appear.
viewLogotype: enum_string
enum: hide|show|ps|default
default: ps
elements: any
Sets the visibility of the header logo.
viewClosetype: enum_string
enum: hide|show|default
default: show
elements: any
Set the visibility of the close button inside the checkout instance.
viewCheckouttype: enum_string
enum: portal-xlarge|portal-large|portal-medium|
default: mobile
elements: any
Set whether the checkout displays the the billing portal chrome layout or the more compact mobile layout.
viewReceipttype: enum_string
enum: hide|show|close|default
default: show
elements: any
Set what should happen once a flow completes.
viewLabelstype: enum_string
enum: hide|show|default
default: show
elements: any
Set the visibility of field labels globally.
viewHeadertype:** enum_string
enum: hide|show|default
default: show
elements*: any
Set the visibility of the checkout instance header section.
viewSecuretype: enum_string
enum: hide|show|default
default: show
elements: any
Set the visibility of the security notice. This is usually the 'lock' symbol in the bottom right hand corner of the checkout instance.
viewExtIdstype: ordered_comma_separated_enum_string
enum: card|bank|payer
default: none
example: card,bank
elements: any
Set the visibility of various resource external ids.
hidePoweredBytype: boolean_string
default: false
elements: any
Set the visibility of the "Powered by: Paystand" logo in the portal view's footer.
hideSupportInfotype: boolean_string
default: false
elements: any
Set the visibility of the Paystand support content in the portal view's footer.
fixedAmounttype: boolean_string
default: false
elements: any
Set the payment amount to be editable or fixed.
customReceipttype: html_string
elements: any
Set a custom message on the receipt page.
headerColortype: string
elements: any
Set the header color. Can be any valid css color.
externalCsstype: css_url_string
elements: any
Load an external css file to alter the look and feel of the checkout instance.
logoUrltype: image_url_string
elements: any
Load an external image url to display as the header logo.
Comma separated list of custom field keys. Hide custom fields that have been enabled in the dashboard or per billing portal.
checkoutDescriptiontype: string
Payment: "Make a payment"
Token: "Save payment method for later"
elements: any
Description displayed in the checkout header section.

Resource attributes

cardExtIdtype: string
elements: any
The card external id.
cardMetatype: json_string
elements: any
The card meta data.
cardAddressStreettype: string
elements: any
The card street address.
cardAddressCitytype: string
elements: any
The card city address.
cardAddressPostaltype: string
elements: any
The card postal address.
cardAddressStatetype: string
elements: any
The card state address.
cardAddressCountrytype: string
elements: any
The card country address.
bankNameOnAccounttype: string
elements: any
The name on the bank account.
bankAccountTypetype: enum_string
enum: checking|savings
elements: any
The bank account type.
bankAccountHolderTypetype: enum_string
enum: individual|corporate
elements: any
The bank account holder type.
bankRoutingtype: string
elements: any
The bank routing number.
bankAccounttype: string
elements: any
The bank account number.
bankAccountRepeattype: string
elements: any
The bank account repeat number.
bankExtIdtype: string
elements: any
The bank external id.
bankMetatype: json_string
elements: any
The bank meta data.
bankAddressStreettype: string
elements: any
The bank street address.
bankAddressCitytype: string
elements: any
The bank city address.
bankAddressPostaltype: string
elements: any
The bank postal address.
bankAddressStatetype: string
elements: any
The bank state address.
bankAddressCountrytype: string
elements: any
The bank country address.
payerNametype: string
elements: any
The payer name.
payerEmailtype: string
elements: any
The payer email.
payerIdtype: string
elements: any
The payer id.
payerExtIdtype: string
elements: any
The payer external id.
payerMetatype: json_string
elements: any
The payer meta data.
payerAddressStreettype: string
elements: any
The payer street address.
payerAddressCitytype: string
elements: any
The payer city address.
payerAddressPostaltype: string
elements: any
The payer postal address.
payerAddressStatetype: string
elements: any
The payer state address.
payerAddressCountrytype: string
elements: any
The payer country address.
paymentAmounttype: string
elements: any
The payment amount.
paymentCurrencytype: string
elements: any
The payment currency. Supported currencies [ "USD", "CAD", "EUR", "MXN", "AUD", "GBP" ]
paymentDescriptiontype: string
elements: any
The payment description.
paymentExtIdtype: string
elements: any
The payment external id.
paymentMetatype: json_string
elements: any
The payment meta.
spNametype: string
elements: any
The scheduled payment name.
spDescriptiontype: string
elements: any
The scheduled payment description.
spExtIdtype: string
elements: any
The scheduled payment external id.
spMetatype: json_string
elements: any
The scheduled payment meta data.
spAmounttype: integer_string
elements: any
The scheduled payment amount.
spCurrencytype: enum_string
elements: any
default: USD
The scheduled payment currency.
Supported currencies [ "USD", "CAD", "EUR", "MXN", "AUD", "GBP" ]
spIntervaltype: enum_string
enum: week|month|year|day
elements: any
default: week
The scheduled payment interval.
spIntervalCounttype: integer_string
elements: any
The scheduled payment interval count.
spAnchortype: enum_string
enum: start|end
elements: any
The scheduled payment anchor.
spTimesToRuntype: integer_string
elements: any
The scheduled payment times to run.
spAtDaytype: integer_string
elements: any
The scheduled payment day to run.
cf_*: any valid custom field key
elements: any
Custom field resource data. If a custom field has a key such as someCustomFieldKey, then the attribute should be cf_some_custom_field_key.

Resource display attributes

showHeader_**: cardHeader | bankHeader | payerHeader
type: enum_string
enum: hide|show|default
default: show
elements: any
Set the visibility of a section header.
setHeader_**: cardHeader | bankHeader | payerHeader
type: string
elements: any
Set the text for a section header.
showField_**: any card, bank, or payer resource field above
type: enum_string
enum: hide|show|default
default: varies
elements: any
Set the visibility of a field.
showFieldIcon_**: any card, bank, or payer resource field above
type: enum_string
enum: hide|show|default
default: varies
elements: any
Set the visibility of a field's icon.
setPlaceholder_**: any card, bank, or payer resource field above
type: string
elements: any
Set the placeholder text for a field.
setFieldIcon_**: any card, bank, or payer resource field above
type: material_icon_string
elements: any
Set a fields icon.
setLabel_**: any card, bank, or payer resource field above
type: string
elements: any
Set a field's label.
setLayout_fundSelecttype: enum_string
enum: tabs|buttons
elements: any
Set the layout for the payment method select buttons/tabs.
setFundSelector_cardTabTexttype: string
b: any
Set the card payment method selector text.
setFundSelector_bankTabTexttype: string
elements: any
Set the ach payment method selector text.
setFundSelector_bankSessionTabTexttype: string
elements: any
Set the echeck payment method selector text.

Behavior Attributes

elements: any
Disable any additional fees for all payment rails (if you have it enabled in the dashboard).
elements: any
Disable any additional fees for Paystand Bank Network payments (if you have it enabled in the dashboard).
elements: any
Disable any additional fees for ACH payments (if you have it enabled in the dashboard).
elements: any
Disable any additional fees for card payments (if you have it enabled in the dashboard).