Payments allow a customer to receive funds from their payers. The payment endpoints allow the customer to manage their payers, the payer's payment methods, accept payments, refund payments, manage disputes, and to view a payment's assurety status.
For direct and platform customers
Tokenize cards and banks
Securely accept and store sensitive payment methods details to charge later.
Create and manage payers
With payers you can track a payer's payment history, manage their payment funds, and recharge their funds on file.
Create and manage payments
Accept funds from your payers.
Refund payments
Refund payment funds back to your payers.
Manage disputes
View a payments dispute history.
View a payment's assurety record
View the assurety status of a payment.
For platform customers
Transfer a payment's balance
Move and manage funds originating from a payment to other members of a platform.
View a payment's balance
View the current location and state of all funds transferred from a payment.
Recoup a refund
Move transferred funds back to the originating payment's account when a refund occurs.
Recoup a dispute
Move transferred funds back to the originating payment's account when a dispute occurs.