The merchant object

What is a merchant?


A merchant refers to the actual business that this legal entity owns.

Legal Entity vs Merchant
A legal entity is an association, corporation, partnership, proprietorship, trust, or individual that has the legal capacity to enter into agreements or contracts, assume obligations, incur and pay debts, sue and be sued in its own right, and to be held responsible for its actions.

For most small or medium sized businesses there won't be much of a distinction between the legal entity and the merchant. The distinction comes when there is a legal entity that operates several different businesses that in this case would be referred to as merchants. Nevertheless both the legal entity and merchant information needs to be provided for verification purposes.

Additional Information

Bank Verification
Adding a merchant bank will initiate a two drop deposit. The customer will need to check their bank account records for these two amounts and proceed to the bank verification process.

Statement Descriptors
Pay special attention to the statementDescriptor. Statement descriptors show up on a Payer's bank account statement next to their purchase. Selecting an appropriate statement descriptor can help to make sure the payer remembers the purchase and does not attempt to Dispute the charges later. Allowable characters are 0-9, a-z, A-Z, &, *, #, ., ,, and whitespace .

Merchant Category Code
Make sure you send merchantCategoryCode if the plan requires professional validation.
If you are in a country that does not use MCCs (e.g. Mexico), do not include this attribute.



businessNameType: String
Length: 1-256

The name of the business.
businessUrlType: String
Length: 1-128

The URL for the business's website.
businessLogoType: String
Length 1-128

The URL for the business's logo.
supportEmailType: String
Length 1-128

The support email for the business.
supportPhoneType: String
Length 1-16

The support phone number for the business.
supportUrlType: String
Length 1-128

The URL to reach the support website for the business.
productDescriptionType String
Length 1-512

A description of the business's product.
statementDescriptorType: String
Length: 1-20
Valid Characters: [0-9, a-z, A-Z, &, *, #, period, comma, and space]

The statement descriptor that will show up on a payer's bank statement when processing through your Paystand network.
defaultCurrencyType: String
Format ISO4217 currency code

The default currency that will be set for this customer.
merchantCategoryCodeType: String
Length: 4-7

This should be a string of integers 4-7 characters IRS, Visa

MCC is used to classify a business by the type of goods or services it provides.
bankType: JSON Object


The bank account information for this merchant.
businessAddressType: JSON Object


The address for this business.
personalContactType: JSON Object


The personal contact for this business.


All of the request parameters will be returned in the response.


Merchant request

  "merchant": {
    "businessName": "Pearl SeaBass Inc",
    "businessUrl": "",
    "businessLogo": "",
    "supportEmail": "",
    "supportUrl": "",
    "productDescription": "Seabass product description",
    "statementDescriptor": "Pearl Inc.",
    "defaultCurrency": "USD",
    "merchantCategoryCode": "4816",
    "bank": {..},
    "personalAddress": {..},
    "businessAddress": {..}

Merchant response

  "account": {
  	"merchant": {
    	"businessName": "Pearl SeaBass Inc",
      "businessUrl": "",
      "businessLogo": "",
      "supportEmail": "",
      "supportUrl": "",
      "productDescription": "Seabass product description",
      "statementDescriptor": "Pearl Inc.",
      "defaultCurrency": "USD",
      "merchantCategoryCode": "4816",
      "bank": {..},
      "personalAddress": {..},
      "businessAddress": {..}